Happy Living F!TR!

Monday, April 25, 2005

books...cheap books

i went to alumni book fair in UQ centre yesterday. it was the second day they open the book fair..
my friends kept telling me to ge there, since it's a fair of cheap books.
well, i had no idea on how "cheap" it is till i get there..
should i tell u first that most of the books here are second, and donated by the UQ alumni for this event only. the money from the selling of these books will be used for UQ scholarship. *it really is a good idea*

so, i went browsing for books..avi told me where to find the book's price.. *damn* 80c for most of the children books..
and you know what i found!! "tuesdays with morrie", my fave book of all and i get it for $2.60!!! how cheap can it be! that'll be around Rp.19500 (english written book remember!)
all novels sell around 80c-$4.00 ..wooow!!!
its soo cheap.
and i heard in the last day..u could buy a box of book for $10.00 only!!!

so i bought 5 books yesterday..but i planned to buy more (sigh $10 for a box of books..how can i resist!!)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

naruto character - I am HATAKE KAKASHI

huahahahahaha...i am hatake kakashi..

Which Naruto Character are You?
Test by http://www.naruto-kun.com


Monday, April 18, 2005


blogger aneh..uda panjang2 nulis..eh malah error dan hilang yang kutulis
males banget nulis lagi..

hooooaaamph ;p

very tired


hari ini saya letih skaleee...
pengennya tiduuur terus gitu..
mungkin akumulasi kecapaian dari seminggu yang lalu..
minggu lalu penuh dengan kegiatan2...slalu pergi pagi dan pulang dah malem
yah saya jadi mo tidur lagi nih .. ;p

letih letih letih

Thursday, April 14, 2005

saman's photos

just a few of saman dance moments i wanna share...

saman performed for Aceh tsunami relief in UQ great court and we wore our old costume..the "teddy bear" gold costume...milet lahe!!!

aaah..saman with a new costume..pink and blue..posing before performing in meet and greet..

wihiiiii...where's fitri?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

so i was browsing through the friendster network...looking at other people profiles and photos..
phew...i tell u, its a huge and a lot, but i got the time to waste and connection to use
i sort of, then, realised how time has changed...
i found my younger sister friends, now, grew up to be a beautiful ladies not kids anymore like i remember...they are not those kids that wore red skirt and played in the park, anymore...
they already got their boyfriends and girlfriends *which i know, coz they show the couple photo
and tell it out*..

it's funny how the time passes you by and you don't really see it...
well, i'm turning 22 this year..that change my age... i'm getting a bit (*one for every year) older..hahahaha
my parent keep asking me whether i got boyfriend or not? hummm..was i suppose to have it now?? hahahaha..*i dunno*

my two cents..

Friday, April 08, 2005

how time flies

i realised how fast time has gone by..

that's all for now..

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

si bodoh yang suka ninggalin kunci

yaaa..kejadian yang berulang ke-sekian kali nya
si fitri meninggalkan kunci unit di rumah..
dan ke-sekian kalinya...pas balik ke rumah..ga ada orang
apesnya lagi si arman-viki-avi uda ga tinggal di cambridge square lagi..
jadi lah saya terdampar di luar ... ga bisa masuk

jadi critanya saya abis dari toowong village (smacam mall) ... critanya beli meja lipat untuk belajar nih (semangat belajar lagi tinggi)..
nah uda berat2 bawa dari toowong ke rumah...
saya baru ingat kalo di tas ga ada kunci rumah...
lalu ingat lagi kalo cecewean lagi pada kuliah smuaaa..
aaaaaargh... *panik mode on* gmana nih..masa meja mo dtaro dluar..masi baru lagi
ah ingat kalo si viki kan rumahnya ga gt jauh..dan pasti dia masi tidur
akhirnya saya menelpon viki..dan ke rumahnya mbak mei dan mas adi (which where viki live) untuk menitipkan meja dan beberapa belanjaan yang berat dan males untuk dbawa ke kampus buat hunting kunci ..
mencari cecewean rumah ku..untuk meminjam kunci..
untung lah ... saya ktemu dengan mereka di lab...saya meminjam kunci tia
lalu mengambil meja..dan di anter mas adi ke rumah karna mas adi juga mo njemput 'aa (anaknya mas adi dan mbak mei)

*duh fitri jangan sampe lupa kunci rumah lagi yaaa...

Friday, April 01, 2005

lagi dlab..hehehehehehe
jadi beberapa hari ini..housemate2 ku (tia, lia dan conna) lagi sibuk bikin tugas advance IT project, yaitu bikin program untuk restoran..(which i'm sorry not knowing the details)
dan aku udah mengambil matkul ini dari semester lalu ... yeaaa.. now, im stuck with mico

jadi..beberapa hari trakhir ini rumah jadi sepi..hehehehe
teman2ku yang tersayang..lembur bikin tugas di lab..saya tinggal sendiri di rumah...huks
sepiiii..ga tau mo ngapain

hehehehehe...tapi jadi seneng main bejeweled 2...
jadi ktagihan gitu

so, karna beberapa hari kesepian drumah sendirian..
saya hari ini ikutan "nengger" di lab..padahal ga ngapa2in nih
bete juga...hahahahahaha
mo ngerjain gantt chart bodoh itu juga males..abis mentok mulu dan si mico juga lagi nyebelin