Happy Living F!TR!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

so i was browsing through the friendster network...looking at other people profiles and photos..
phew...i tell u, its a huge and a lot, but i got the time to waste and connection to use
i sort of, then, realised how time has changed...
i found my younger sister friends, now, grew up to be a beautiful ladies not kids anymore like i remember...they are not those kids that wore red skirt and played in the park, anymore...
they already got their boyfriends and girlfriends *which i know, coz they show the couple photo
and tell it out*..

it's funny how the time passes you by and you don't really see it...
well, i'm turning 22 this year..that change my age... i'm getting a bit (*one for every year) older..hahahaha
my parent keep asking me whether i got boyfriend or not? hummm..was i suppose to have it now?? hahahaha..*i dunno*

my two cents..


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