Happy Living F!TR!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

hci assignment

an extension!!! yipiiiii!!
i must admit that i have to hand it to the guys that complains about assignment hints on the newsgroup..
the assignment hints helped me a lot, but surely it was posted a bit late.. 2 days before the assignment due..c'mon!!
they basically saying that students need to submit the assignment ON due date.. what the! (i kinda felt it's unfair for student who done the assignment early)
ah well...it mean more work for me and less for my group mates... (qnza them!)

back to work..

Sunday, May 15, 2005

succumb the authority

what the hell with our society now!!!
what are you so proud of??
your rank?? your threathing looks?? your money?? your power?? your honor stated in a piece of paper??
what is it??

it won't last forever you know!!!
you might lose it on your way to your grave!!
dig up your own hole!!

i don't trust human-made-law, nor i trust human whose proud of themself and think they own the law



at last...i delivered my final documentation for this long and painful course called "advance IT project"..
though we spent all day and nite before due to fix user manual that one of my friend did awfully.. *aaaaargh i hate her for that!!!
anyway..it's almost over.. one final demo and a presentation to go
i tell you this, this course really takes most of your time .. and to add up to it, the lecturers are so tight in giving you marks..
they are fond of penalising you for some stupid things, minor things and unforseeable errors
well, i'm glad it's almost over

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

lot of catching up to do

lately,i've been preoccupied with my assigments and activities here in brisbane. i almost have no contact with my sisters, i kinda miss them, and realised how i cant catch up with what they've been doing..
i didnt know that uuk move to a kost, i didnt know that kiki has to choose some "program" for her high school... i didn't even know that uuk change her mobile phone number frequently...oh my..
damn!! am i a bad sister???

Thursday, May 05, 2005


i just realise that i'm not the only one having trouble with my beloved laptop/notebook (a.k.a neci)..
it turns out that 6 out 10 of us (fasilkomers here in brizzie) have had their own problem with their notebook*..

hummm..i guess spyware, trojan, worm and virus are enjoying themselves(??)..
hahahaha..well for those who "sit" in my neci .. please be kind and don't do anything violent till i get some dough to buy a new one..which probably take at least another 2-3 years.. or more..

i wanna powerbook!!

*see armand and haswar blog

Sunday, May 01, 2005

keyboard neci rusak

duh..beberapa hari terakhir ini saya tidak bisa memakai my lovely notebook..
sebab dikarenakan satu hal..yaitu *ntah knapa* sepertinya keyboardnya memencet huruf "s" trussssssss...
ga brenti2..hiks hiks
jadi nya ga bisa buat ngetik
katanya si avi dan narpati .. kalo ga karena virus ya hardwarenya rusak
aaah ga tau deh..
besok..inshaallah mo minta tolong ama pak bob aja.

hiks hiks..

jadilah saya parasit ke conna dan lia (numpang make kompienya)