Happy Living F!TR!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

my new nephew

hoo....i got he name of my new nephew it's

wildan ramadhani oktoreza,

born on friday, 22 october 2004
o yeah, and here's the pic...

cute isn't he..as all babies in the world, too
well, at least i don't really care about other babies in the world rite now...
it said that babies look mostly the same the first day they were born (well, at least that what i thought) but why does some people could see parts of their parent's physical characteristic that the baby inherits...don't they look the same!!!
i mean...heeey...how would these people know that the baby got his/her father's ear, mother's eye and sort of stuff like that...just by seeing that tiny ear and tiny eye..
hooo..may be it's just me. i could not see it in many ways...may be i need more chakra (geee....)
hush hush...
well thanks to all my friends who visited my blog...luv u guys and gurls


  • well that's funny :)
    but i ... aaargh sok sok an bhs inggris gini gw.. bisa jg enggak.. jd gw ngebayangin kalo tiba2 yg kecil mungil itu adalah kluar dr perut lo sendiri... oh god bakal nangis ky apa ya gw?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • lucu... huhuhu jadi pengen punya anak.

    By Blogger mishkaa, at 1:39 PM  

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